We offer our enterprise customers the option of integrating single sign on so that your organisation can use it's own polices to manage your simulator access
You can play Shopper Mogul from any device or location thanks to our cloud native architecture.
It's an always on service that you can rely on
The Shopper Mogul universe can be scaled to meet your training needs, no matter the number of players & teams or in game shoppers retailers and categories
Integrating your training courses with Shopper Mogul couldn't be easier. As long as there is a wifi connection players can join a shopper mogul experience from any device or location.
Facilitators can focus on drawing the maximum learning value from each session by drawing on your experience to provide real world insights relvent to the unique scenarios thown up in every game
Our default demonstation game is based arround the beverages industry, but as every core element of the game is customisable we can help you convert the default experience to represent almost any industry
Gaming sessions can be set to run for hours, days or even weeks what evers dration and pace is required to work with your curriculum and student goals.
The course faciliator can take advantage of our spectate and present mode to drill down on the details of any team's performance indicators and can pause games and highlight interesting learning and developments points.
There is no upper limit on the numer of games, shoppers, retailers and categories that you can have running simulaniously so you can scope the shopper mogul universe to be just right for your precise training scenario